Oral treatments

What is pulp treatment?

Pulp treatment is necessary if the pulp of a tooth is infected or became necrotic because of trauma or tooth decay. The treatment involves partial or complete removal of tissues and clean the pulp space, then fill the cavity up with filling materials.

Partial removal of pulp

Deciduous teeth with vital pulp

Photograph of two x-ray films indicating showing a deciduous molar with partial removal of pulp tissues before and after treatment.

Treatment procedure

Animation showing the process of partial removal of pulp tissues.

Complete removal of pulp

Deciduous Teeth with non-vital pulp

Photograph of two x-ray films showing a deciduous molar with total removal of pulp tissues before and after treatment.

Permanent Teeth with non-vital pulp

Photograph of two x-ray films showing a permanent tooth with total removal of pulp tissues before and after treatments.

Treatment procedure

Animation showing the process of total removal of pulp tissues.

Know more about pulp treatment

  • Pulp treatment requires a few visits to complete. Remember to follow the appointment times!
  • If the temporary filling material comes off before scheduled dental appointment, you should go back to the dental clinic and have a refill of material to avoid infection caused by bacteria in the saliva
  • Local anaesthesia may be required during the treatment. Remember not to bite your lips or tongue before the anaesthesia has worn off